What is the blues?

What is the blues, anyway?
Blues is about innuendo, not the direct phrasing of things. I sing about sex, even about the specific act of cunnilingus, but I never say it in the song.
Damn it to hell, I love cunnilingus. It's all I can do to restrain myself from singing during cunnilingus. I was really happy with the woman I used to date who liked me to hum "Camptown Races" during what we referred to as "clisses," but that's another story.
The test of a blues is whether people who don't get it accidentally get it. If they do, then it isn't a blues. Seven year-olds are particularly fond of "Let Me Play With Your Poodle," a song about cavorting with a topiaried canine to them, and that's their right, to have those minds.
Legitimate blues shows its roots among the oppressed. The oppressed don't take away the rights of others, because they
know all to well what that's like.
I'm sure that sounds rigid and preachy, but I know what I'm talking about, and that IS the blues.
How long could anyone ride an image like the one such a song as that would give? Well, how long can a wig from which such
songs come remain truly big in the eyes of a real blues person?
Therein, I hope, is your answer.
Your post reminded me of one of my more recent tunes:
Like the Back of My Hand
I know you
Like the back of my hand
I know you, Baby,
Like the back of my hand
I know you
Like the back of my hand
And I know you baby
Like no other man
I know you like to talk
behind my back
I know you like to say that
I don’t know jack
I know you like to get
Caught in the act
And I know that you like to get
Set back on track
I know you like to have me
At your feet
I know you like to have me
Holdin your seat
I know you like to have me
Flat broke and beat
I know you like to have me
Give you a treat
We got our secrets
We don’t tell no one
They won’t understand
Our idea of fun
I know you baby like to
Sing the blues
I know you baby like to
Spread the news
I know you baby like to
Pick and choose
I know you like to make me
Blow a fuse
Forces for Good in the community have respectfully asked me to drop it from my set list. Proving yet again that Forces for Good have neither taste nor a sense of humor.
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